
Trabant 601
Engine - Transmission - Wheels - Brakes
Engine: Air Cooled, 2 stroke, 2 Cylinders             
Displacement: 594,2cc
Bore x Stroke: 72X73cc
Compression Ratio: 7,8:1
Horsepower: 25,8bhp @ 4200rpm
Torque: 54Nm @ 3000rpm
Gear Ratio: 1: 4,08:1  2: 2,32:1  3: 1,52:1
                     4: 1,03:1  R: 3,83:1
Brakes: Drum / Drum
Wheels/Tires: 13 inch, 145/70R13, 35/35 psi
Trabant 600cc engine
Fuel Tank - Performance
Fuel Tank : 24 litres, no pump                                                                           
Max. Speed: 108 km/h
0-100 km/h: 30,3 sec
Chassis/Body - Dimensions
Chassis: Unit Construction Type                                        
Body Material: Steel Frame with Duroplast Panels
Length:            3560 mm
Width:              1520 mm
Height:             1440 mm
Wheelbase:     2030 mm
Gr. Clearance:   160 mm
Weight:            615 kg
Trabies until 1964
Trabant P60
The difference between Trabant P60 and 601 was the design and the horsepower. The 601 comes with more angles and little more power (19bhp for P60)
Trabant P50
The P50 has almost the same design as P60 but carries a 500cc engine with 18hp horsepower.